What has been your dream as a student? To succeed in life or to fail in life? The answer to the above questions is dependent on the type of friend you make in life. An aphorism says, ‘show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.’
The friend you keep as you journey in this life determines your destiny. “The atmosphere you permit determines the product you produce” Mike Murduck
You need to develop good human relationships. No individual is self-made. Every individual you see in life is a product of a relationship. Some people are specially created for your success. That is to say, the people you associate with and the books you read play a dominant role in determining your success in life.
True friends bring out the best in you. A single conversation with the right person can be more valuable than many years of study.
Click to people that will take you high.
You cannot partner successfully with somebody who does not share your goal. George Washington, the first American president was not wrong when he advised,” Associate with men of good quality if you want to esteem your reputation.” For it is better to be alone than to be in bad company.
Remember, the longer you walk in the right direction, the closer you are to success. Choose your friends wisely.