1. As you make your bed, so tou will lie on it.
2. The greatest of the forests started off from just one tiny seed. So, never give up on your dreams.
3. Faith laughs at impossibilities.
4. Happiness does not choose a person; a person chooses his own happiness.
5. Dream dreams and never cease to dream, and observe the power of your dreams. Do not let your dream fall to the ground.
6. Every challenge in life is an opportunity to grow.
7. Those worthy to be called intelligent always keep learning.
8. Faith inhabits God, and for one who believes, nothing is impossible.
9. Discovery is the mother of recovery. Until you discover who you are, you will never recover from who you have ignorantly become.
10. Hard work is the surest way up. Put your brain to work, make it sweet and it will begin to respond to you with time.

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